Fall Canning with Kindergartners: Pickled Carrots, Salsa, Rosehip Applesauce
Working halftime this year has been quite a blessing, as it leaves my mornings open to enjoy time with Wylder and Selma while Sawyer is...

Canning Balsamic Beet & Tomato Relish
Root veggies are the best! They're easy to grow, pretty much moose-proof, and easy to preserve and process. It's amazing to me that there...

Spruce Tips
I mentioned spruce tips briefly in a previous post about wild edibles, but now that they're here and I have been having such a blast with...

Canning Salmon (+ a Note on Cooking Oils)
Canned salmon is the best! You can make patties and fritters, chowder and salad, or take it to the beach and eat it straight out of the...

Backyard Bounty: spring wild edibles you don't want to miss!
Spring is here and there are green goodies shooting up everywhere! Grab your basket or bag... We're headed out for fiddleheads, fireweed...

Making Kombucha
Kombucha is a tangy, sweet, slightly fizzy fermented tea packed with gut-friendly probiotics, b-vitamins, antioxidants, and glucaric acid...

Making Milk Kefir
Including fermented foods in your diet is an excellent way to up your healthy bacteria count. Milk kefir, water kefir, kombucha, yogurt,...

Jammin' With Me
In the fall, we love to pick raspberries. We lay them out on wax-papered cookie sheets in the freezer, and once they’re solid, we dump...

Canning Homemade Soups
My boys and I have been busy this evening canning chicken and bean soup. Because my husband is a salmon fisherman and electrician who...

Hearty Hambone Soup
Advententures in Amateur Pig Farming Needing to make some room in one of our chest freezers over the weekend, I decided to cook up one of...